Supply Chain Digital Magazine August 2024 | Page 125

Steven Schools , Head of Procurement & Supplier Governance at Vanquis Banking Group shares how he ’ s shaped its extraordinary procurement transformation
Steven Schools , Head of Procurement & Supplier Governance at Vanquis Banking Group shares how he ’ s shaped its extraordinary procurement transformation

Common-sense philosophy can go a long way . That much is evident from the extraordinary procurement transformation of Vanquis Bank .

Established in 1880 , Vanquis Banking Group is a leading UK financial institution with around 1.75 million customers , according to the London Stock Exchange .
A specialist bank that lends to people with lower financial resilience , Vanquis Bank champions unrepresented markets and creates vital paths for financial accessibility , transforming the lives of millions seeking peace of mind , stability and financial comfort .
As an institution Vanquis has transformed a lot too , navigating financial downturn and unpredictability to emerge stronger than ever . Much of this is owed to the robust and collaborative nature of its procurement , which has radically evolved over the past decade . The architect of this transformation is Steven Schools , Vanquis Banking Group ’ s Head of Procurement & Supplier Governance and proponent of procurement common sense .
Steven ’ s pathway to procurement at Vanquis Bank “ My philosophy for procurement is to be as pragmatic and to use as much common sense as possible ,” Steven explains . “ Procurement should be
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