Supply Chain Digital Magazine August 2024 | Page 157



or tens of thousands of businesses – encompassing all manner of industries – cloud computing has proven utterly transformative over the last decade or so .
The supply chain is one of countless areas where companies are reaping the benefits of moving their processes to the cloud , thanks to the level of efficiency and subsequent cost savings it can unlock .
Somebody well positioned to explain the way cloud computing has impacted the supply chain space is Carla DeSantis , a Strategy and Operations Partner at PwC based in the US .
She specialises in designing and activating differentiated operating models while optimising costs , focusing mainly on consumer and retail clients .
“ Cloud-based solutions enable realtime data sharing and collaboration across global networks , typically with more advanced analytics and predictive modelling capabilities ,” says Carla . “ They also are more user-friendly than their counterparts , improving adoption and application .
“ By providing a unified , more agile platform for integrating various supply chain functions , the cloud facilitates more seamless coordination and reduces the complexity of managing multiple systems .”
Carla calls this evolution “ crucial ” for modern supply chains given their reliance on high levels of flexibility and responsiveness to stay competitive .
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