as discussed , putting resources into M & A in this space , but a conscious decision has also been made to do a lot of the necessary work internally .
“ That was a big discussion ,” Beat goes on . “ Our overall goal was to double our logistics business and one of our focuses was freight forwarding .
“ What we said is that 50 % growth comes from M & A and 50 % from organic , because in M & A you never know . It ’ s like a relationship – you get together , you learn , see if the chemistry is good . You look at the company , do the due diligence , then you decide – but you never know if you can conclude .”
Beat points to the rise of the cloud over the past decade as a game-changer for DP World and countless other businesses in the supply chain and logistics field .
Whereas in the past each office was like an independent company , with its
“ What we ’ ve seen in the last 18 months is a lot of consolidation and asset-heavy providers going into end-to-end ”
own finance , HR , legal and IT functions , the modern-day picture looks rather different .
Looking back even further , Beat says : “ We had digitisation when we went from the typewriter and put documents on a system , but all those systems were standalone . Today , of course , you have
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