1 . Commercial Best Practice – Enabling the NHS commercial community to access tools , expertise and cutting edge knowledge to deliver purchasing activities at every level of the NHS .
2 . Governance , Assurance & Processes – Endorsed , standardised and complianceassured routes to market that wield NHS influence and promote innovation to deliver government priorities .
3 . Technology and Data – Developing and adopting technology that provides the NHS with insight into procurement value and savings opportunities and outcomes . This will help to leverage , rationalise and shape the market .
4 . Commercial Strategies – Creating a universal strategy across the NHS with clear commercial activities and routes to market that facilitates ease of doing business .
An overview of the NHS Central Commercial Function ' s 7 service offerings
Since the launch , Rock and her team have developed a robust programme plan and have governance in place . They ’ ve really been focusing on putting NHS commercial and procurement teams at the forefront of change , and raising their profile with many of their suppliers .
The 7 service offerings of the NHS Central Commercial Function The NHS Central Commercial Function is comprised of 7 service offerings , which are already delivering across the system .
5 . Sustainability & Innovation – Developing an NHS-wide approach to delivering net zero and social value , driving innovation and eradicating modern slavery in the supply chain , enabling stakeholder engagement and application .
6 . Sourcing and Management – Developing a strategic partnership approach that leverages the NHS buying power , shapes the market , drives innovation and resilience in the NHS .
7 . People and Community – Embedding a unified community of procurement and commercial specialists who strive to deliver and uphold the NHS Commercial Strategy ensuring best value for money .
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