onboard . Operating across London out of 70 ambulance stations , LAS has an annual addressable non-pay expenditure of around £ 150mn and over 340 active contracts valuing over £ 296mn .
Using a universal e-commerce system has allowed them complete visibility of their pipeline of procurement activity which means that the team can be more proactive with resource planning and plan upcoming procurements in a transparent and consistent manner .
Shaping the Market : Eliminating Waste and Redundant Contracts One of Jacqui Rock ’ s key commitments is to implement a strategic supplier management programme to help the NHS to shape and leverage the market .
Rock says : “ We should be leveraging the market . We should be able to drive innovation through our suppliers . We must focus on greater resiliency in our supply chain . We want to focus on eliminating waste , and one of the things that I found really enlightening when I came in here , is that we ’ ve got multiple contracts with the same supplier for the same thing , but with lots of variation .
“ This is something that we need to work on collaboratively and in partnership with our big strategic suppliers to discover how we can just simply buy better in the NHS .
“ So we ' ve been spending a lot of time listening to suppliers and our key stakeholder Strategic Supplier Relationship Management teams to understand how this presently works and how we can align our strategies to make it as easy as possible to supply to the NHS .”
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