– have been recognised by the World Economic Forum as ‘ Advanced Fourth Industrial Revolution Lighthouses ’ as part of the WEF ’ s international Lighthouse scheme , which aims to drive tech adoption . This means Unilever now has 6 Lighthouse sites across its business , including further sites in China , as well as in Dubai and India .
Ambitious zero waste to landfill targets Ecclissato has a solid track record in sustainability at Unilever , ensuring the company ’ s supply chains are futurefit . As SVP of Americas Supply Chain , he achieved 100 % zero waste to landfill at all dedicated distribution centres in North America . At the time , he said : “ Reaching 100 % zero waste to landfill on all waste streams at our North America distribution centres is a great example of how we are putting our sustainability strategy into action and reducing our environmental footprint to strengthen our business , as well as our commitment to partnership and collaboration .
“ This achievement builds on the journey we began a few years ago when all of our Unilever-owned factories in North America became zero waste to landfill , but it is far from the end . We will continue to challenge ourselves and our partners in our mission for sustainable growth .”
Before his current role , Ecclissato was Executive VP Mexico , Central America & Greater Caribbean . He
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took over from Marc Engel , who moved on after 30 years with the company . In that role , he oversaw 11 countries , 12 product categories and high levels of growth , despite the pandemic .
Prior to that , he was in charge of Unilever ’ s supply chain in North America and Latin America , generating double-digit growth in the profitability of one of its largest regions . Ecclissato graduated from Universidade de Sao Paulo as an electrical engineer and
22 March 2023