“ We deliver world-class quality service by ensuring that we are tuned into our customers ’ needs , and offering them optionality ”
And the complexity comes in managing all that demand of products – different price points , different customer needs – and ensuring that we can always have the products that our customers need , where they need them ,” Caballero-Vieyra explains .
Anticipating changes in supply and demand that result from promotional fluctuations is a unique skill not often seen in supply chain leaders , yet Caballero- Vieyra and his team not only do this , but go further .
“ We deliver world-class quality of service by understanding our customers and offering optionality – whether it ' s in products or price points – while making sure that we can always fulfil their product needs consistently and as fast as possible – whatever interaction they have with T-Mobile , whether that ’ s in a retail store , on the web , on the phone , or in an app .”
A permanent shift in risk management In such a dynamic and global role , it ’ s highly telling that Caballero-Vieyra ’ s proudest achievement comes from the way that T-Mobile navigated the COVID-19 crisis .
“ The US market is very , very big . Between 2020 and 2021 , I was managing the merger of T-Mobile and Sprint – integrating processes and consolidating infrastructure – while the world was going through a pandemic ,” Caballero-Vieyra explains .
“ Being able to succeed and keep the business stable in an unprecedented environment , while navigating the volatility in the system for at least a year , was extremely challenging . That was , without a doubt , the most demanding job I ' ve ever had .”
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