The US and China are engaged in a technology trade war . With distrust running high between the countries , supply chains are looking to loosen ties with China by reshoring and nearshoring supply
But he says that traditional supply chains are set to become more like “ private trading networks ”, all of which will be “ many-to-many trading networks that are permission-based ”.
He adds : “ This means you can turn visibility on and off , depending on who the actors are , because you don ’ t want every supply chain actor to see what everybody else is doing .
“ One of the biggest challenges for such networks will be trust . Will trading partners trust one another enough to share information ?
Colehower feels it will take a “ pioneer company ” to help establish such trustbased networks .
He says : “ It ’ s going to take somebody who ’ s comfortable and confident in that supply chain , who is willing to share , and who can actually demonstrate what the results are .”
Also with an eye on the future of supply chain , EY recently published a study based on interviews with 500 seniorlevel executives at organisations of more than US $ 1bn in revenue . The findings suggest 2025 will be the year that largely
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