SupplyChain Magazine August 2017 | Page 3


WELCOME TO THE August edition of Supply Chain Digital .
Healthcare is an industry looking to digitise , and DHL is supporting the supply chains of health organisations in 220 countries . We asked Scott Allison , President of Life Sciences and Healthcare , about his work and the challenges facing such a complex industry . Staying with healthcare , be sure to also read our feature with USA ’ s Banner Health about its supply chain operations and projects .
One company making huge strides in the supply chain tech space is SAP Ariba , recent signatories of a huge contract with oil giant Saudi Aramco . CIO Marcell Vollmer discusses the company ’ s latest research findings , which looks at the readiness of companies to digitise procurement operations . We also have an exclusive look into US manufacturing company Milbank . A market leader for 90 years , the business looks set to head into the future with a lean , technologically sound manufacturing process . We spoke to President Brad Skinner and Vice President of Purchasing Douglas Ubel .
Other exclusive interviews this month come from Covestro , ID Logistics and FLS Transportation Services , among others .
As always , tweet your feedback @ SupplyChainD

Enjoy the issue !

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