On the specifics of what KPMG can offer , Rishi comments : “ KPMG has great capabilities in the North American and Japanese manufacturing sectors . They are positioning JDA as the bedrock of its supply chain solutions and investing in the relationships , which is exactly what we want .”
Rishi ’ s enthusiasm for collaboration and bolstering the company ’ s capabilities is clear : since the interview , he has spoken of a $ 500mn war chest for acquisitions , while also expressing his determination to grow JDA ’ s revenue to $ 10bn a year by 2025 – the equivalent of 31 % growth a year . He has also overseen the development of Customer Innovation Centres and Centres of Excellence to help in the continuing effort to hone and encourage new talent .
But his first mission is to follow 2017 ’ s record financial year – in which JDA achieved revenues of around $ 1bn – with another in 2018 .
“ We need to be breaking down silos and working across functions a lot ,” he says . “ As a company we need to ensure that we ’ re obsessed with creating value for our customers , so we have to create a sense of urgency around responding
to customer requirements . Secondly , we have to increasingly recognise the importance of innovations and learning . For JDA , learning is a value that we need as it leads to innovative thinking and value creation , to the extent that I set aside time each week to learn new things and publish them to the company .
“ But just as important is the culture of the company , I believe in creating a culture , not just a company , and that has to continue to flourish . We wear that as a badge of honour at JDA , and that is part of building a company that can succeed for an extended period of time , not just from quarter to quarter .”
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