SupplyChain Magazine August 2018 | Page 44

44 a run . We choose the best routing based on an automatic learning system . This is collective intelligence sharing . Trucks and vans are not always driving fully loaded . But there are some major transport corridors on which we can optimise the use of vehicles thanks to a network of warehouses .”
Allied to this , Redspher ’ s Solution Finder software analyses the routings to propose solutions for a given shipment . It will look between availabilities , on-going shipments and suppliers ’ databases . “ We can analyse flows in a new way , seeing much more than a pick-up or delivery ,” assures Higelin . “ This helps us to plan positioning of cross-docks , establish chances of co-load , study balances and much more with tools like Easy Trace – a fleet management app with E-CMR and GPS tracking for communication with the driver and relaying special instructions .” It ’ s currently a booming market for ondemand delivery driven by the consumer and connected to the rise of lean manufacturing to minimise stocks . Higelin believes the interconnection between systems providers and customers is key : “ Machine to machine communication is now prevalent as we work towards more seamless solutions supported by key data . The market is fragmented but companies would rather deal with one in-

“Digitisation helps us overcome the disadvantages of a fragmented market by allowing us to reach more and more carriers in an efficient way . Thanks to the platform approach , we can think globally but act locally with a global platform connecting local players with global shippers ”

— Phillipe Higelin , CEO , Redspher