SupplyChain Magazine August 2018 | Page 46

Higelin concedes they can ’ t do this by themselves so alliances are essential , not just for on-demand delivery , but as enablers to help support the Redspher ecosystem . This is where Easy4Pro comes into its own for Redspher , says Higelin : “ It ’ s a web-based solution to manage all ad hoc transports – as a meta-searcher it ’ s much more than a TMS ( transport management system ). It allows us to add any new partnerships to the platform and strengthen our working relationships .”
What sets Redspher apart from other 3PL operators in the market ? Why should businesses embrace this platform ? “ We can provide our customers with multiple options for turnkey solutions for on-demand delivery ,” confirms Higelin . “ We have competitors in many markets – critical , express etc . – but I don ’ t know of any our competitors providing a full package of solutions for on demand as we do . Our solutions are tailored to our client ’ s needs using the synergies from our companies . We could use one of our companies to GPS track the vehicles and our online training centre to set up dedicated safety procedure coaching for drivers . Allied to this Easy4Pro can be utilised along with Upela to create one transport management system to compare worldwide shipping and tracking solutions for parcels , further enabling on demand delivery .”
Higelin cites Easy4Pro as one of the secrets of Redspher ’ s continuing success in Europe ( with a focus on the automotive industry now broadening to target machinery and aerospace ), while also a big driver in