SupplyChain Magazine August 2018 | Page 56

TOP 10


Emirates Skycargo

www . skycargo . com The state-owned air freight carrier for the UAE , Emirates Skycargo remains in second place on the Freight 50 , with a total FTK of 12.27 bn , representing a 0.4 % decrease year-over-year . The carrier ’ s central hub in Dubai allows its 259-strong fleet to reach over 1.5 bn consumers in under eight hours . Current purchasing plans are underway for Emirates Skycargo to almost double its fleet size . According to Albawaba , “ In response to increasing demand from its customers , Emirates SkyCargo introduced a range of air transport solutions specific to industry verticals including Emirates Pharma , Emirates Wheels and Emirates Fresh .” Emirates Wheels has transported close to 150 cars per month since the program ’ s inception .