SupplyChain Magazine August 2022 | Page 41

However , Google ’ s longterm strategy for the Google networking supply chain links right back to Google ’ s vision : ‘ To organise the world ' s information and make it universally accessible and useful ’. “ My team ’ s vision aligns with this as we aim to provide access to networking materials and all material related information to our customers easily and simply ,” says Iyer . “ Responsive and responsible supply of networking materials and services is our mission ; that is what motivates us .”
Such a mission would not be possible without a reliable partner ecosystem . At Google , vendors are valued partners and the company actively collaborates with them at all levels to develop innovative solutions and products . Google networking engineering , product , supply chain and other teams regularly connect , discuss and work closely with vendors .
“ They are vital to delivering our vision and strategy and , likewise , Google as a customer is critical for them and their organisations ,” says Iyer . “ There is mutual respect , trust and confidence in our ability to shape Google ’ s network in the coming years . “ Our relationship with our vendors has deepened in the last two years ; we ’ ve been learning from each other . We have also supported each other in developing innovative solutions and ensuring timely execution of critical projects .”
Increased digitisation ; stronger partnerships with suppliers ; working closely with governments ; holding larger inventory buffers for critical components ; bringing supply chains closer to home ; and increasing optionality will be key to protect from future shocks .
The pandemic has given supply chain professionals a platform to appropriately influence design , engineering and deployment – and Iyer is ready for the next stage . supplychaindigital . com 41