SupplyChain Magazine August 2022 | Page 73

“ Rail transport is greener , but trucking is a supply chain favourite because it ’ s cheaper , more flexible and has greater reach ”

Sherman adds : “ You can also often book transport with a single phone call or email , and road haulage typically has the shortest transit time from origin to destination of all modal options .”
He also says there is the fact that some points of origin or destination might not be served by rail – particularly in Europe .
That said , Sherman sees rail playing an ever-growing role in logistics globally over the coming decade .
“ I expect rail use to continue to increase . I think most people recognise the need to reduce our overall carbon footprint , and that transportation drives a significant portion of GHG emissions .”
The overwhelming importance to companies of cutting emissions in their supply chains will , Sherman feels , far outweigh the more challenging nature of rail freight planning compared to road . He also says that the businesses will also accept that , to stay on top of such planning , they will need to invest in tech solutions that give end-to-end intermodal supply chain visibility .
Supply chain visibility vital for rail freight planning Companies can best achieve such visibility by partnering with a data aggregator or visibility technology provider , according to Sherman . He adds : “ Such companies will
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