SupplyChain Magazine December 2016 | Page 31


With extensive experience of large projects , such as the major global transformation of procurement at National Grid , Westminster City Council ’ s Chief Procurement Officer Anthony Oliver has led the review of procurement at Westminster and kicked off a significant transformation process

Since Anthony Oliver ’ s appointment in 2012 , the procurement team at Westminster City Council has strengthened its systems and operating model , making the organisation more commercial , driving greater innovation whilst maintaining strong governance and enabling effective decision making . The council has achieved the CIPS Corporate Certification Standard , issued by The Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply , of which Oliver explains , “ This recognises what we ’ ve achieved to date , but we ’ re now able to build upon that with our 2016 Procurement Programme and move it into 2017 . I really think that gives the council a true competitive edge over what other authorities are doing .”

The recent CIPS recognition reflects the council ’ s continued focus on people development , market development , our operating model and technology development , as well as acknowledging that there are effective policies and processes in place with regards to best practice and management of risk , providing efficient innovation and change management .
Procurement Services provides a centralised category management approach that supports and enables the services in Westminster City Council . The team consists of Category Management which
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