SupplyChain Magazine December 2018 | Page 21

TO WATCH : PETRO RABIGH ENRICHING LIFE 21 and we have a separate organisation that is responsible for the finished goods and products . It ’ s primarily more of a marketing and sales function ,” explains Gustafson . “ Alongside that , there ’ s the production planning which coordinates what the needs of the refinery and petrochemical business are , as well as the requirements of our customers . I believe it ’ s very much a collaborative effort to enable the supply chain to get going .”
With the company investing almost $ 400mn annually on its supply chain

“ The group here in Saudi Arabia handles all the inbound supply items and we have a separate organisation that is responsible for the finished goods and products . It ’ s primarily more of a marketing and sales function ”

— Michael Gustafson General Manager of Material , Procurement and Contracts
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