“ It ’ s core for procurement professionals to understand the goals and objectives of the business and match up with the capabilities of the market ” — Richard Powell , FCIPS , Procurement Consultant
professionals to understand the goals and objectives of the business and match up with the capabilities of the market .” This relationship building between three key elements – the internal stakeholder or client ; the supplier ; and the procurement function – requires the following element , according to Powell : “ listening , bringing objectivity , listening , finding solutions , listening , using your imagination and , of course , a bit more listening ”. With the function becoming increasingly professionalised , a mix of qualifications , soft skills and a genuine interest are all vital elements in making procurement work . “ Mostly I ’ m looking for strong commercial acumen – I ’ m looking for that spark in people ’ s eyes . I want to see that ability and the hunger to go and deliver a deal ,” says Powell . “ In terms of
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