“ Business today is fast paced , and without a strong commercial team in place , things can and will go wrong ” — Richard Powell , FCIPS , Procurement Consultant
53 well as a strong commitment to collaboration across the board , should make for successful procurement as modern business brings this vital strategic function to the fore . “ Every procurement manager is actually a project manager when they ’ re doing big deals ,” Powell explains , adding that the most successful deals he has witnessed involved pulling together the central functions of the organisations , including finance , sales and business development .
“ The best procurement people I know are the kind who the stakeholder always wants in the room ,” he concludes . “ They want them there because they know their market , they know suppliers . They have relationship skills to be able to get things done . If you ’ ve got the right skills , then both the suppliers and the stakeholders appreciate the value that they ' re adding .” It ’ s a value which , despite the rise of eprocurement and all things digital , you simply cannot buy on Amazon .
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