SupplyChain Magazine December 2018 | Page 60

Economic Sustainability ( to support decent work and fair employment ) form a focused framework for best practice . These pillars support the definition of what SAP Ariba calls a “ triple bottom line ” which the white paper recognises as being in tune with the desires of the modern consumer : “ Not long ago most consumers bought products with little thought to questions like , ‘ Where are these products made ? What is the carbon footprint involved in manufacturing them ? Who made them , and are these people being paid properly ?’ Today , many consumers want organisations to be transparent about their practices and considerate of all stakeholders . The triple bottom line concept accounts for this full cost of doing business . Adding the ‘ people ’ element of social responsibility to corporate bottom lines shifts the focus to the fair treatment of employees and favourable practices in the communities where organisations operate .”
By driving responsible sourcing that focuses on ethical operations , safe workplaces , fair wages , and mitigation of emissions and plastic pollution , companies can have a significant , meaningful , and deeply positive impact on communities and environments around the world . To that end , SAP Ariba is continuing to develop and supply cutting-edge solutions that focus on supply chain transparency