SupplyChain Magazine December 2020 | Page 71

71 a lot less than its human counterparts . It ’ s important to remember that the implementation of RPA is for the automation of tasks and processes , not the automation of jobs . The machines aren ’ t replacing humans . They ’ re just freeing us up for higher-value activities , and taking the monotonous tasks off our plate . Quite kind , really .
These are just some of the impending developments of 2021 . There are so many more , and you could probably add to this list , yourself . I like to think of major technological developments that I have listed act as an umbrella – I believe that these five factors have hundreds of subsidiary advancements within them and that each represents a core pillar of the modern supply chain networks that our societies desperately rely on . Each will have its own part to play in the successful creation of a more agile , adaptable , and innovative supply chain system , in our bid to establish resiliency against future adversity that will no doubt come , like COVID-19 , when we least expect it .
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