SupplyChain Magazine February 2018 | Page 2

14-16 May 2018 Hamburg , Germany

SCIWeek . com

Introducing a New Concept for 2018 : 3 Industry- Specific Events , 1 Week of Cross-Industry Learning .

With the rapidly increasing consumer demand for excellence in logistics and the emergence of automation in supply chain , it is now vital for senior executives to get ahead of the latest trends , strategies and techniques while expanding their professional network . Being able to benchmark and leverage best practices with industry leaders is important - however in this current climate , executives now cannot afford to focus merely on the very latest approaches within supply chain as an industry , it is now imperative that they drill down within their specific sector . Taking place at Hamburg ’ s newest terminal , The Cruise Center Steinwerder - The Supply Chain Industry Week event has been structured for delegates to have a concentrated day of learning and networking while vendors / exhibitors attend on the relevant day for their target audience . Day 1 will focus on Retail , Day 2 will focus on Industrial Manufacturing , and Day 3 will cover Food & Beverage and Chemicals . The conference will offer an interactive format , encouraging lively debate , in-depth discussion and exchange of ideas and best practice .
3 Industry Specific Days 9 + Hours of Networking 60 Speakers 80 Solution Providers 900 Delegates FREE for Directors
Join us for :
• Informative presentations from leaders in supply chain .
• Case studies from leading industry figures tackling the same issues you face .
• Panel discussions with leading organisations in and outside of your industry discussing topical issues
• Roundtable and other formats to encourage peer-topeer learning and benchmarking opportunities across the industry .
Maximise your time out of the office – attend for a highly focused day of key learnings or benefit from a whole week of supply chain knowledge .
To join 300 of your peers at Supply Chain Industry Week contact enquire @ SCiWeek . com or call + 44 ( 0 ) 20 7036 1357 quoting “ Supply Chain Digital ”
Alternatively , if you are a cutting-edge service or solution provider for Supply Chain and Logistics professionals and wish to increase your presence among the Retail , Manufacturing , Food and Beverage or Chemical industries – please get in touch at + 44 ( 0 ) 20 736 89423

FREE for readers of Supply Chain Digital who register before March .