SupplyChain Magazine February 2020 | Page 3

FOREWORD W elcome to the February edition of Supply Chain Digital ! In our cover feature this month , we speak with Hisham Nehme , Senior Supply Chain Manager of Vodafone Qatar , to discuss the ever-increasing importance of supply chain to the telecommunications industry .

“ Companies , and telecom companies specifically , must work on cost efficiency and how to manage their spend by using proper sourcing and negotiation plans , and planning ahead in collaboration with all other stakeholders and departments ,” says Nehme .
This issue ’ s leadership column hears from James Lee , Chief Operating Officer of SAP Ariba and SAP Fieldglass , who discusses how the role of procurement has transformed supply chain strategies in the industry over the past few years . “ I ’ m a strong believer in the importance of a procurement organisation . In the past ,
it was rare to see a company with a CPO role ,” explains Lee .
Elsewhere in the magazine , we interview Mike Bristow , Managing Director of Manufacturing Logistics at DHL Supply Chain , and there are in-depth research features on digital warehouses and Big Data and analytics .
You also won ’ t want to miss features with HMD Global , Golden Hippo , Wayne Farms LLC , Trinity Industries , EY , BP , and more !
Finally , this month ’ s Top 10 zones in on the biggest logistics brands worldwide .
Would you like to be featured in the next edition of Supply Chain Digital ? Get in touch at sean . galea-pace @ bizclikmedia . com
Enjoy the issue ! Sean Galea-Pace
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