“ You might ask why is DHL , traditionally a ‘ trucks and sheds business ’, is going into ground handling services ? Well , it ’ s because our mindset is that we can improve any supply chain ”
PAUL DYER CEO , DHL Supply Chain UK & I main was built up through servicing the stores . We built most of our networks looking at what was the most efficient way to get that product to the store for a customer . Today , we are looking at what is the most efficient way to deliver a product to a home ,” says Dyer .
“ Now we speak to customers about how are we going to help them reduce the cost to serve , or the impact of that cost base of single order unit fulfilment through to home delivery . That ’ s a really big challenge and what I would call a transformation
– detailing the journey of a product from point A to the end consumer .”
In its warehouses , DHL UK & I is already utilising technology to help its employees , specifically the EffiBOT : a fully automated trolley that follows pickers through the warehouse and takes care of most of the physical work . Dyer says the company is already using technology systems to manage huge streams of data that come with processing millions of orders , while it is also looking into potential uses for machine learning .
It is clear from speaking to Dyer that