SupplyChain Magazine January 2018 | Page 13

there is a desire and determination to adapt the DHL business , leveraging its healthy market position to expand into untapped markets . “ I want us to be seen in the marketplace as the only true endto-end supply chain management company ,” says Dyer . “ Not many of our competitors can offer the huge range of services that we can , so that is an ambition we can really aspire to . That means we ’ ve got to be amazing at our core business , which is running warehouses and running transportation . But we also have to offer an unrivalled range of services to improve and take forward supply chains . There ’ s a lot going on behind the scenes that I think will show we can do that .”
That vision is already paying dividends , with DHL UK & I recently winning a couple of highprofile contracts in what might be considered atypical industry sectors . The first is a contract from easyJet to manage its ground handling operations at London Gatwick Airport , which will see DHL handle over 9mn departing passengers each year .
Explaining the move , Dyer