“ Alongside this value proposition we enable real time auditing and automatic audit controls of the supply chain , where parties can agree on what parameters must be part of their deal ”
– Angel Versetti , CEO Ambrosus what they ’ re doing to create a new stream of revenue for themselves .”
Right now , Ambrosus is focused on developing APIs ( application planning interface ) to connect with existing infrastructure to bring companies on board which already have their own sensor systems , enabling them to turn those sensors into oracles . “ An oracle in blockchain terms is a trusted source of information ,” explains Versetti . “ The parameters that the sensors record can immediately be registered directly on the blockchain or , if data intensive , could be stored off chain , so the cache could be stored on the public repository to give all parties access .” The most basic service Ambrosus will provide to the supply chain is proof of process , the tracing of objects and a guarantee of quality . It also programs smart contracts to enable different stakeholders to enter commercial agreements with each other . “ Alongside this value proposition we enable real time auditing and automatic audit controls of the supply chain , where parties can agree on what parameters must be part of their deal ,” adds Versetti . “ For example , in the case of vaccines , what temperature must they be stored