Ambrosus is involved in a pilot project involving producers of coffee in Africa for Ambrosus to grow , there are challenges to overcome to make its services fully scalable . “ First you have the bottleneck issue with the blockchain technology itself – it ’ s still a very big experiment ,” he says , qualifying the fact that it ’ s been a successful one , but still early days , and offers a key question still to be answered : “ Can we have a solution that is scalable in terms of the number of transactions that it can record per second ?” Versetti notes that with literally trillions of sensors due to come online in the next five years they ’ ll need to be processed and validated through the network .
The second challenge identified by Versetti is the need to turn sensors into oracles . “ We are the first blockchain to propose a workable solution ,” he argues . “ An oracle is not just a trusted source of information , it also speaks directly to the blockchain and yet , so far , there hasn ’ t been an oracle connected to the real world , because blockchains have been self-contained systems . You can relay instructions