SupplyChain Magazine January 2018 | Page 23

“ Supply chains could govern themselves and look , for example , at the amount of basic resources in the economy of a particular town or area and , if there is a shortage or excess , change the numbers accordingly ”

– Angel Versetti , CEO , Ambrosus work as an official partner in the Sustainable Food Systems cluster at the United Nations ( UN ). “ Due to global inefficiencies there is a distressing amount of food waste , so we ’ re seeing how we can apply our solution to significantly decrease it while creating new streams of revenue for participants ,” says Versetti .
“ Most of our biggest partnerships in the private sector are currently under non-disclosure agreements ,” concedes Versetti , but reveals Ambrosus is “ working in Switzerland with every single major company ” and in contact with the likes of Nestlé through events like the Hello Tomorrow global summit for innovative startups . The company is also partnered with Trek Therapeutics , developing a pilot project seeking FDA approval with its blockchain capabilities endorsed at EU level . Meanwhile , Ambrosus continues its marketplace development with another ongoing pilot project involving producers of coffee in Africa , the distributors and transporting companies involved there and coffee suppliers and distributors in Hong Kong and China .
“ We ’ ve also been approached by entities specialising in metals ,