20 has improved around 15 %, driving an even higher growth in volume and revenue in a relatively flat economic market .” Operations weren ’ t the only piece of the puzzle , however , with a focus on culture also prevailing . “ We did a lot of work around engagement in a bid to bring people together ,” says Robinson . “ We had a philosophy of ‘ one team , one goal , no limits ’, and that became a theme which was able to galvanise everyone in the organisation . We were obviously trying to achieve volume and revenue targets , but it was also about regaining respect and pride in the business from both our suppliers and our people . The process also involved reaching out to engage those who had previously been ignored . “ We started to conduct town-halls where we listened to the people in order to understand what they were trying to tell us . We have groups in each region , at a local level , understanding what the team and the people are telling us , and then building that back into the initiatives that we ’ re doing in those regions .” Aside from listening , Coca-Cola Amatil