23 the Coca Cola Asian Supply Chain Conference , in recognition of the transformation achieved in the first half of 2019 , beating out over 20 others including large bottlers from Japan , China and Australia .
Despite the challenges in a country such as PNG , technology has had a significant part to play in the transformation . Two complementary systems originally introduced in Indonesia were brought in , the Electronic Short Interval Control ( ESIC ), and the Quality Information System ( Quinsys ). “ ESIC is a homegrown production control system which tracks line performance by the hour ,” explains Robinson . “ If we should have made 2000 cases , but we only made 1000 , it will report the issues behind that on an hourly basis and allow us to track and address it .” Quinsys , meanwhile , is about auditing good manufacturing practice . “ People can go around the plant and put into the system any hazards or issues that they find . It gives us a really good tool to manage our safety and quality .” Going live in January 2020 is a new ERP , Microsoft Dynamics . Replacing existing legacy systems , Robinson is
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