the distinctive element you bring and how you differentiate yourself from others and what you can expect from those corporates , so we have had those sorts of sessions and it is quite perfunctory things like – who do I speak to ?”
Internally steps are being taken to educate and inform staff , to change their way of thinking so that this is not simply a strategy that comes from the top .
“ We are orchestrating some internal communications , so we have some videos we have produced available both externally and internally ,” Willis continues . He gives examples of posters in the washrooms which highlight that the soap there is made by visually impaired people in the community , and of videos which raise awareness of what we all can do to make a difference .
But with a baseline of 59 social enterprise suppliers in its supply chain , and £ 2.24million annual spend , they are aware that this is only a small part of the business .
“ Part of the challenge is in actually identifying the social enterprise suppliers ,” says Willis . “ Not all of the
social enterprise suppliers are on the buy social directory . Some social enterprise suppliers have taken a conscious decision not to be on that , due to the cost . I was bemused by that at first but some have told me that they would rather spend their money on coming to the school for young entrepreneurs , spending a day here and raising awareness , than going down that route .”
But as well as looking externally and at how to help make a difference in the world outside , like any responsible organization nowadays
16 July 2017