While there is no shortage of digital thieves waiting to access and steal your data for profit , there ’ s another dangerous group eyeing your supply chain at the same time - one that has nothing to gain but your misfortune . Cyberattacks can occur for numerous non-financial reasons , from gripes against a company ’ s political or cultural leanings to criminals simply looking to cause mayhem by introducing instability . If your supply chain doesn ’ t have a continuous assessment policy when it comes to your digital security , you may be making yourself vulnerable to these types of attacks . Even the most foolproof supply chain plan can ’ t hope to completely avoid every one of these problems , but knowing where your potential weak points are is an excellent start . These are particularly important for international chains , but each of these tips applies to domestic-only companies as well . Forewarned is forearmed , so don ’ t let your company or your supply chain suffer in the face of the unexpected : use these tips to make an actionable plan and you ’ ll be able to keep your business running smoothly through any scenario .