Since its inception over 20 years ago , Tasnee has created a network of diversified industries by working with prominent companies across the globe . One of the significant factors behind Tasnee ’ s success has been the way the company has transformed the procurement organisation to accelerate the process of capturing synergies and creating an organisation capable of supporting the company ’ s growth to deliver unrivalled value to stakeholders .
Organisational realignment Tasnee has re-designed the organisation to support the Business Units at operational level and , at the same time , affirm the strategic direction of the company . With the aim to deliver the highest quality of service at the optimal cost level , Tasnee focussed on :
• Monitoring cost and spend
• Implementing structured and robust processes
• Focussing on customer service by processing transactions quickly and effectively
Tasnee has also established Key Performance Indicators ( KPIs ) to monitor the performance of the global procurement organization at the SBU and operational levels . This has allowed the procurement leadership to set clear and focused objectives , provide clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities throughout the business , and ensure empowerment and ownership at lower levels .
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