SupplyChain Magazine July 2017 | Page 57

Supplier Management Framework Tasnee ’ s supplier management framework enables the company to look at Prequalification , Segmentation , Relationship Management and Performance / Risk Management when selecting potential suppliers .
Through this process , the company works with suppliers to establish responsible sourcing , reduce the supply chain risk and ensure consistent standards across its supplier base . Once a supplier meets the standards set out by Tasnee , the company then works towards building a supply chain strategy through a companywide Supplier Performance Survey .
“ Depending on the criticality of the commodity , suppliers go through a multi-stage qualification process . This allows us to select our supplier partners carefully , ensuring that they understand our requirements and are a good cultural fit for the business ,” says Saleh H . Al Suwaiti , General Manager , Procurement Center of Excellence .
Tasnee also carefully segments its suppliers based on the spend and criticality to the business . A dedicated focus on supplier segmentation has allowed the company to :
• Better understand the supply base
• Optimise resource allocation on performance management , risk management , and development
• Focus on building relationship with the most critical suppliers
The sourcing strategy is developed based on the segment of its suppliers . A high spend , high criticality supplier will have a deeper and more strategic relationship than a low spend low criticality tactical supplier .
Tasnee has also initiated a Supplier Performance Management mechanism to evaluate the performance of a supplier over a period of time . The survey includes the rating of suppliers from people within the company , as well as the response of the suppliers themselves . “ The survey covers strategic

The year that Tasnee was founded1985

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