SupplyChain Magazine June 2017 | Page 62

more diverse supply chain than in the past with the mature products ,” says Tungate . “ TGCS and TABS have a very different business model today and we are working toward the best solution ,” Wilson agrees . “ For example in the last couple of years we have been negotiating on shipping rates , lanes and partners . Our supply chain is beginning to come together as we negotiate with vendors to leverage our volumes .”
A parallel challenge has been the integration of ERP systems across the Toshiba Tec businesses . When the former IBM Retail Store Solutions ( RSS ) division was acquired it migrated to Oracle , however the version adopted by TGCS was different from TABS ’ legacy version , and integration is an ongoing challenge . Rather than wait for a large and disruptive migration to the common system , we decided to take advantage of the areas that would deliver the best immediate result , says Steve Tungate : “ We are now in the process of building a common distribution network for the business , and that will be done well before we are done with system integration .” At the moment the focus is on inbound logistics , and already some TGCS products are being fulfilled out of the print
62 June 2017