SupplyChain Magazine June 2017 | Page 64

group ’ s supply chain . It ’ s a process of opening interfaces between the two companies that are simple enough from an IT perspective , achieving economies of scale well ahead of complete integration which will be achieved in 2019 .
Oracle integration is not merely an internal project . TABS differs from TGCS ; while the latter deals with large global customers of the order of Walmart for example , no single customer of TABS accounts for more than two percent of revenues . Its route to market is through its own stores and an independent distributor community numbering more than 200 in North America and many more in the Latin American countries . All of these have to be brought onto the new system as well . “ Everything we do is designed around beneficial change to our customer ,” insists Tungate . “ Gaining efficiency in our supply chain helps the customer because it improves our profitability and allows us to invest in our business .”
That principle informs the relationship between TABS and its vendors , continues Sue Wilson . “ We select vendors who are not just going to give us the cheapest price , but have the experience and the drive to help us find the right solution .” This partnership model brings in best supply chain practices
64 June 2017