SupplyChain Magazine June 2017 | Page 84

Head of Procurement ( India ) at Cushman & Wakefield , Sanjeev Singh , describes his department ’ s tireless work to build and retain the best possible supply chain network and secure success

Property consultant Cushman & Wakefield is facing explosive evolution .

As part of an industry which is ever-relevant and in-demand , the company has experienced huge levels of growth – most significantly in Asia . India tops the list of nations which have enjoyed the biggest boost , with Cushman & Wakefield expanding its employee numbers in the nation by at least 500 in 2017 , enabling it to focus on project management and leasing transactions . There are already 11 offices across India , housing an ever-increasing team of 2,800 .
Of course , any company operating in the property sector requires a complex logistical system that demands the highest levels of organisation and talent . Head of Procurement ( India ), Sanjeev Singh , is no stranger to the complexities inherent in the supply chain industry ; after nearly 10 years serving as a Major in the Indian Army , Singh delved into the corporate world of logistics , and has spent another decade focussed on that .
Based in New Delhi , Singh is responsible for heading up the supply chain management sector of Cushman & Wakefield , presiding over contracts and compliance , and as a member of the Governance Council he is in charge of representing the facilities and property management side of the business within India .
The ongoing tasks Singh faces are numerous and wide-ranging , truly bolstering what the business offers . He must provide strategic direction and leadership for his team , continuously build up a network of suppliers , and partners , ensure the most effective delivery structure , and work closely with all relevant alliances .
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84 June 2017