SupplyChain Magazine March 2017 | Page 26



26 March 2017
Robotics and autonomy At the moment , there ’ s a partnership between the robots and humans that allows them to work collaboratively , but it ’ s likely more robotics will be introduced to further streamline supply chains . Japan is well ahead of the curve and for years many Japanese factories have been running ‘ lights out ’ for weeks at a time with little or no human presence . Steve Wickham , Supplier Relationship Manger and head of CSR at product design and procurement specialist Matrix Group , says : “ The latest robots have the ability to learn how to complete multiple jobs much more efficiently and conveniently than humans ever could . Robots that are capable of interacting with staff are being trialled in one of Matrix ’ s factories in China to take low level tasks off the hands of its workers , in time this will increase production efficiency . “ Factories are highly competitive environments , and technology is essential for keeping pace with burgeoning retail demand . Robots allow nearcontinuous production and eliminate the possibility of human error and harming employee wellbeing . With the addition of robots , employees can be more focused and productive in their roles , stepping away from menial tasks to completing work that is more fulfilling .”