SupplyChain Magazine March 2017 | Page 34

Prime Inc .
U . S . Xpress Enterprises
TOP 10

Prime Inc .

2015 revenue : $ 1.56bn
Prime is a provider of refrigerated , flatbed , tanker , and intermodal carrier services , with clients also able to lease vehicles . It has been in operation for more than 40 years and has surpassed the $ 1.5 billion annual revenue mark . The company has more than 6,000 tractors and 10,000 trailers to its name , a fleet which has undergone recent refurbishment .

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U . S . Xpress Enterprises

2015 revenue : $ 1.34bn Founded in 1985 by Max Fuller and Patrick Quinn , what was formally U . S . Xpress , Inc is now among the most established trucking companies in the whole country . It prides itself on an employee focus , its mission being “ to provide our people with an enjoyable , safe and dignified work environment in which all employees are challenged to continuously improve their skills , and are rewarded for superior work ”.
34 March 2017