SupplyChain Magazine March 2017 | Page 42


The Deutsche Bahn procurement organisation optimises supply reliability , cost levels and process efficiency

Deutsche Bahn and we , as its procurement organisation , achieved a great deal in 2016 . After the downturn in earnings in 2015 , the DB Group is now back on track for success once again : we have not only delivered positive financial results , but also laid the cornerstone for improving the quality of railway operations by launching our “ Zukunft Bahn ” quality programme . The target for 2017 is to make our performance even more stable .

Procurement is changing rapidly . While procurement teams will always need to drive cost savings , they are constantly endeavouring to become a more complete business partner in order to unlock innovations and drive ever-greater value . They are faced with the continuous challenge of analysing procurement to transform their focus , their people and their whole operation . And time is not on their side .
It is by no means an easy journey to develop the scope and capabilities of your business function while continuing to meet your daily operational commitments .
“ Zukunft Bahn ” – the future of rail operations in Germany Joining forces for more quality , more customers , more success – last year we launched our “ Zukunft Bahn ” quality programme to tackle those matters which our customers found most unsatisfactory . Our customers have already noticed that we have made considerable progress in many areas . Elsewhere , however , we have not achieved results as quickly as we had hoped . We are pleased to say that we were able to improve the average annual punctuality rates year-on-year across all segments : from 94.2 to 94.8 percent for regional passenger traffic and from
42 March 2017