Achieving the objectives of Zukunft Bahn with the best suppliers We achieved our targets as a procurement organisation in 2016 : we delivered our target contribution to the DB Group earnings with the help of our ProFit programme and ensured supply reliability . Exploiting all commercial and technical procurement levers was and still is one of the keys to our future success . We firmly believe that our long-term strategies for the individual inventory groups and , in particular , our close consultation with our colleagues in the technical and quality assurance organisations and our internal customers who place the orders , are still the basis for successful cooperation and the key to success .
For the DB procurement organisation , the year 2017 will again involve a high level of operational contract awards which will give us the chance to demonstrate our operational excellence on a daily basis . Our unequivocal target is a zero error policy . The systematic application of our reorganised supply management scheme is intended to deliver not only supply reliability , but also improve compliance with delivery deadlines . We plan to roll out a “ Digitalised Supply Management ” project to achieve these objectives and design a digital supply chain in consultation with our internal customers and selected system providers . As the DB procurement organisation , we are also actively involved in four central competence centres of the DB Group ( Operational Excellence / Technology , Digitalisation , Transformation and Sustainability ).
Suppliers are our partners when it comes to safeguarding the success of the DB Group . Their goods and services are an elementary part of the value chain and are also crucial for the competitiveness of Deutsche Bahn . Our supplier management makes procurement a strategic competitive factor . By working hand in hand with reliable partners , we guarantee high quality standards by implementing a harmonised control process . Our supplier management policies are valid throughout the DB Group and are an intrinsic element of the major IT systems at DB . Over
46 March 2017