SupplyChain Magazine March 2017 | Page 61

EUROPE presented the very first Supplier Innovation Award in recognition of particularly innovative products and services which support the Deutsche Bahn AG portfolio and also exhibit a high level of innovation and sustainability . In specifying the criteria for the award , DB sought professional help from the Fraunhofer Institute for System and Innovation Research , ISI Karlsruhe . This ensured that the criteria are based on international standards and that the method for identifying suppliers who demonstrate an aboveaverage innovation level is applied internationally . In contrast to the list of companies nominated for the Supplier Awards , contestants for the Supplier Innovation Award had to apply for the award on the basis of the published entry conditions . The central criteria were the level of innovation and uniqueness of the submitted entry , its application potential and capacity for integration , as well as its sustainability and contribution to earnings .
The winner of


The year that Deutsche Bahn was founded

the 2016 Supplier Innovation Award is Siemens AG , Division Mobility for the overall product ICE 4 . Siemens received the award in recognition of the highly innovative character of the ICE 4 , the great flexibility it affords for train configuration and the interior fittings , which make better use of the available space . All of these aspects were developed in close cooperation with the project team at DB .
Thanks to its innovative engineering , modern travel comfort and prizewinning design , the ICE 4 ushers in a new era of high-speed transport . This is the backbone of our future long-distance concept . We shall increase our range of longdistance services by 25 percent by
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