SUPPLY CHAIN products such as HD Televisions , smartphones and iPads prove popular with customers .
Phil Hull , Distribution Director at Argos , said : “ Our agility as a business is crucial and key to our ongoing success in the UK retail space . We are very much working on a seven day , 24 / 7 , shortest lead time possible basis to successfully and swiftly complete store replenishment .
“ Essentially , the things we are working on are geared towards improving product availability to ensure we are giving the best experience possible to our customers . Having said that , we are also cleverly managing our inventory level to preempt seasonal demand peaks , so that we are not tying up excess capital in unused stock in the warehouses and distribution centres .”
“ We are very much working on a seven day , 24 / 7 , shortest lead time possible basis to successfully and swiftly complete store replenishment .”
- Phil Hull , Distribution Director at Argos SUPPLIER PROFILE
Description of your Services : Norbert Dentressangle is an international player in logistics , transport and air & sea freight with 42,500 staff and a presence in 25 countries . Norbert Dentressangle develops high added value solutions in its three sectors of activity on the European , American , African and Asian continents and places sustainable development at the core of its business . The company offers a complete range of supply chain services to retailers and manufacturers , including dedicated and shared-user warehousing and transport , reverse logistics and asset management , temperature controlled logistics , e-fulfilment solutions and freight forwarding . www . argos . co . uk 37