SupplyChain Magazine May 2015 | Page 47

As the world ’ s leading independent container shipping line , at MSC we pride ourselves in delivering global services , locally .
Our UK services offer an extensive MSC feeder network , nine regional ports of call and a dedicated landside fleet of road and rail resource , all offering our customers greater choice , flexibility and efficiency .
With four regional offices throughout the UK and a dedicated local team of over 500 people , we ’ re committed to tailoring our global shipping and logistics services to find the best solutions for you .
For more information please contact our local team : + 44 1473 27 7777 or hello @ mscuk . com MSC . com


DHL are global logistics leader and in the UK are provider of choice to 50 retailers . We have significant infrastructure and operational presence in the retail market , with a portfolio of services that spans everything from supply chain strategy and network design to in-store logistics . We work for a wide variety of retailers , from large grocers to convenience stores , e-retailers to department stores ; DIY , electrical and furniture retailers .
No wonder so many leading retailers choose us as a trusted logistics provider .
Website : For more information about our business please visit www . dhl . com or scan our QR code