SUPPLY CHAIN continuous improvement .
Commenting on the organisation ’ s reasoning behind the move to invest in gas powered transportation , Landy pointed out it was important to be aware of the manufacturer ’ s own plans . He said : “ Up until now you couldn ’ t buy a manufacturer-made gas lorry off of the production line : you would buy a normal diesel lorry and it would be converted by an after-market firm . For us , that suggested that if manufacturers aren ’ t behind it , should we really be doing it ? Now Scania have this 100 percent gas truck coming off their production line . If they are supporting us in our green initiatives this way , it is probably the right thing to do now .” said Landy .
“ This is the beginning of a sea-change I think , and a lot of fleet operators will start to take it much more seriously as people follow the lead . But without people purchasing them Scania won ’ t produce the trucks . It has been a move together but I think it is the right one .”
Hull concluded : “ As we see the volume of these environmentally-friendly vehicles start to come into the industry , the price changes , the market changes and it becomes more viable and realistic to many operators . We are proud to be pioneering this new form of distribution and we hope to continue to innovate for the benefit of our customers .”
It is clear to see Argos is set to stay ahead of the industry curve as it is closer to the end user than ever before .
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Milton Keynes , Buckinghamshire , UK
£ 4.1billion
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