SupplyChain Magazine May 2015 | Page 59

SUPPLY CHAIN except Venezuela . Unlike freight companies in Europe for example Aldrees does not see fuel as a major cost . Tyres are another matter . A little over two years ago , says Mohamed Hanno , the company contracted with Michelin to run its Tyre Management System . “ We now have control of every tyre on every truck at any time . At the click of a mouse we can tell the wear condition of that tyre , the mileage it has covered and which axles it has been fitted to .” This is an effective way of ensuring safety while keeping tyre costs down – since the implementation of the system in 2012 , he says , average running mileage has increased by around ten percent , and overall tyre costs reduced by a similar factor .
To keep its network working seamlessly , and to manage the complex truck movements , Aldrees

“ Each of the facilities is run by a branch manager with full autonomy , and has its own maintenance facility for the trucks .”

– Mohamed Yousri Hanno Volvo Tractor unit and HFO trailer
www . aldrees . com 59