01 Unilever
TOP 10
01 Unilever
Unilever , the Anglo-Dutch CP giant , has steadily moved up the rankings over the past several years and is very well regarded by both the peer and analyst voting panels due , in part , to its willingness to share best practices with the broader supply chain community . The company is a role model when it comes to CSR and scored a perfect 10 out of 10 on our new CSR component . Unilever says that it is achieving zero waste through its “ four R approach ” — reducing , reusing , recovering or recycling — and treating waste as a resource with alternate uses , such as converting factory waste to building materials or composting food waste from staff cafeterias . Longer term , it aspires to be “ carbon-positive ” by 2030 . In 2015 , it launched a Foundry Ideas platform to crowdsource innovations for sustainable products as part of its “ sustainable living ” plan .
28 November 2016