SupplyChain Magazine November 2016 | Page 3

Lucy Dixon
EDITOR ’ S COMMENT WELCOME TO THE NOVEMBER issue of Supply Chain Digital . For this month ’ s issue we spoke to SAP Ariba ’ s Grant Clinch about the company ’ s recent expansion into China – with fascinating examples of how Asian companies are improving their supply chain and procurement processes using SAP ’ s solutions . And Sean Farrington , UK MD and RVP Northern Europe at Qlik – and former Army officer – looks at what we can learn from the Army ’ s Royal Logistics Corps and apply to business supply chains .
Other companies we have interviewed for this issue include Australasian construction experts Fulton Hogan and Middle Eastern airline Oman Air .
We hope you enjoy the issue , please send your feedback across on Twitter @ SupplyChainD

Enjoy the read

Lucy Dixon
Group Editorial Director
lucy . dixon @ bizclikmedia . com