SupplyChain Magazine November 2018 | Page 15

15 regionally and globally , with over 20 procurement organizations and more than 180 people around the world . The entire function reports to Paris-based global Chief Procurement Officer ( CPO ), Caroline Tissot , while all procurement leaders in the regions have dotted lines to regional executives .
In North America , procurement also reports to Chief Operating Officer ( COO ), Kevin Frid . “ Procurement is greatly positioned in the organization and part of the leadership committee , making our function a key component for North and Central America ,” Brunel explains .
In terms of the evolution of procurement at AccorHotels , the way services are offered has evolved thanks to consumer feedback . The dynamic of buying and category management is impacted by market trends and traditional in-house services are increasingly handled by external providers . Laundry is a good example of a category historically managed
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