SupplyChain Magazine November 2019 | Page 3

FOREWORD W elcome to the November issue of Supply Chain Digital !

In our cover feature this month , we travel to Wakefield to interview Abhy Maharaj , Global Chief Commercial Officer & Chief Operating Officer of NewCold , to discuss how automation is transforming his company ’ s operations . “ At the heart of NewCold is technology and we always operate with the customer in mind ,” he says . “ What makes us different is the way in which we leverage technology to deliver solutions for our customers .”
Our leadership piece zones in on Amazon to question whether the e-commerce giant can now be considered a logistics company . Elsewhere in the magazine , we take a closer look at the machine learning services available and how they are being adopted within supply chains .
In addition , we also speak with Eric Thorsen , GVP Technology Presales , Field CTO of JDA Software , as he discusses the influence that artificial intelligence and machine learning is having on his company ’ s operations and the wider supply chain .
There are also in-depth features with Covéa , REC Solar USA and Dubai World Trade Centre that you won ’ t want to miss !
Lastly , our top 10 counts down the most luxurious car supply chains worldwide .
Would you like to be featured in the next edition of Supply Chain Digital ? Get in touch at sean . galea-pace @ bizclikmedia . com
Enjoy the issue ! Sean Galea-Pace
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